This book reveals how quantum mechanics’ exploration of the tiniest parts of our universe supports the awe with which ancient wisdom regarded sound and light. Everything vibrates. The frequencies we emit merge with and are one with the infinite source energy of the universe. We emanate from that energy vibration and through it we influence our world.

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Amazon Customer reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars – 8 customer ratings

5.0 out of 5 stars – A Masterful and Exceptional Read – Reviewed in the United States on June 7, 2020 – Verified Purchase

This book is perhaps one the most introspective and profound pieces of literature I’ve read in my lifetime as the subject of vibrational healing is so deeply portrayed throughout the many themes in the book. When Dr. Capapas– a heart specialist– writes “Love is the basic frequency that connects all creatures in the universe”, it so resonates with another cardiologist like myself! There is no doubt that love is the ultimate healer, but finding it and holding on to it’s fundamental energy is one of the many pearls in this book. Although the physics and philosophy may need some meticulous re-reads, the content in this masterpiece is truly worth the time. Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra, MD, FACC, CBT Author, Cardiologist, and Bioenergetic Psychotherapist

5.0 out of 5 stars  – Interesting blend of physics, art, and – Reviewed in the United States on September 2, 2019 – Verified Purchase

Love this Beautiful Musical Mathematical Universe (LTBMMU) starts with a simple premise – “Everything is vibration” and takes off from there. The first part, roughly half, illustrates the commonality between such different things as matter, consciousness, and music. Not like a dry textbook would explain but like a popular author would write.

Having set her basic tenet and shown its application in the real world, Dr. Capapas gets academic in the second part with a lot of supporting documentation from scientific, philosophical, and religious sources. Don’t expect to cover the second part in an evening or two like the first section. The book is not an assignment to be covered in a set amount of time and then set on a shelf. It might change the way you understand yourself as part of something larger. – B. Leonard

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From Online Book Club Review Team:

Reviewer # 1 : I was delighted reading every paragraph in this book. Although the philosophical and scientific contents are not new to me, I think her explanation of the concepts is remarkably clear and coherent. . . This book is about vibrations in the universe and how they are integral to all aspects of our lives. The theme is found in the history of philosophy, mysticism, medicine, science, mathematics, music, etc. In this digital age, almost all electronic gadgets function on scientific principles involving resonance. . . . I appreciate how she delves into the physics and metaphysics of vibrations and electromagnetic fields. Overall, she seems to offer a comprehensive of all that is taught in physics at the university level. . . .

A uniqueness of this book is that she relates science to philosophy and spirituality. I liked her description of “the observer effect”. . . . I was also intrigued by the concept of “quantum entanglement” (wherein things that have an interaction remain connected forever) and tried to apply it to mysticism. The chapter on the holographic universe left me astounded. Her exposition of black holes is excellent, and it stimulated my imagination. She has wonderful explanations for the warm hands of friendship and the red face of a child after playing. . . Similarly, the author applies wave-particle duality to the risen body of Christ. She relates all this to the harmonics of love.

. . .Such interdisciplinary studies are becoming a trend, and I have read several books on these themes. Nevertheless, I must acknowledge that the quality of this work surpasses all that I have read in the past. . . .

. . . I am happy to recommend it to students of science, philosophers, and mystics. – Online Book Club Review Team

Reviewer # 2 : “Love This Beautiful Musical Mathematical Universe by Lena Rabi Capapas, M.D. takes readers on a tour into the world of science. This book retraces the roots of physics, including quantum physics, and the people who worked earnestly to reveal the intricate elements that are beyond human sight and hearing. . . .

What I liked most about this book was the explanation in chapter eleven about entanglement. I have read about this subject before, but the way the author described it made it sound even more exciting. . . . This is where my epiphany came as I realized how this scientific work greatly supports the belief that we are all connected. This section of writing took the reading material from the laboratory to a personal level. If this concept is true, then it gives one pause to think about human interaction and relationships . . . It gives credence to the idea of long-distance prayer, sending positive thoughts to someone who needs encouragement and becoming a contributor to the well-being of others. The power from this alone could change our society and make the statement “do unto others as you would have done unto you” come alive . . . Online Book Club Review Team


Kirkus Reviews

“A radical revision of modern physics offers profound spiritual implications for human life. . . the author provides a panoramic survey of the fundamental principles of modern physics . . .

. . . Capapas furnishes an uncommonly accessible, almost informally storylike account of the intellectual drama that ultimately spawned quantum theory as well as an erudite summary of the history of pre-modern cosmology . . . the author astutely points out the many ways in which, despite its extraordinary success, quantum theory still fails to capture the wholeness of human life. . . .

. . . common ground of all things: vibration (“Everything vibrates”). As a result, all things have a recordable frequency and these frequencies dictate the “harmonic order” that readers ultimately experience as phenomenal objects of perception, including space and time itself as well as gravity.”


Ultraviolet Light in the Limelight

Quantum Theologians

April 29, 2020

Last week, ultraviolet light and disinfectants got into the limelight. Here are a few of the news headlines :

ABC News: “Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican, told ABC News’ This Week on Sunday that he ‘can’t really explain’ President Donald Trump’s already notorious musings about injecting disinfectants to treat the novel coronavirus, which were roundly rejected by medical officials and derided online.”

NBC News: “Trump suggests injection of disinfectant to beat coronavirus and clean the lungs”

New York Times: “Trump Muses About Light as Remedy, but Also Disinfectant, Which Is Dangerous”

The Guardian: “Coronavirus: medical experts denounce Trump’s theory of ‘disinfectant injection’”

Here is what President Trump actually said:

 “So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous – whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light – and I think you said that hasn’t been checked but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting.”

“And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute,” Trump continued. “And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

When the president asked Dr. Deboarh Birx, the coronavirus task force coordinator, if she had heard of heat and light being used to fight the virus, she said she had not: “not as a treatment.”

Dr. Birx had not heard of heat and light used as a viral treatment. Really? Yes, really, and that is true for a lot of conventional physicians in the United States. That may be sad, but what is truly disturbing is the knee-jerk reaction from the media and politicians on the president’s “enquiry” about treatment possibilities and his suggestion to launch an “inquiry” into the feasibility of using both approaches in the fight against COVID-19. There is a subtle difference between enquiry, which to ask a question, and inquiry, which is an investigation into a subject matter.

That was what President Trump was doing in his questions directed to Dr. Birx. He was enquiring about the possibility of light and disinfectants as modes of therapy against a highly infectious and destructive novel coronavirus and he was suggesting a scientific inquiry about the practicability of such treatment in a COVID-19 patient. In fact, science has always depended on the human intellect to ponder enquiries such as what the president was doing and then launch research inquiries based on their scientific musings. And regarding light as treatment for infectious agents, science has already done both.

Ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation of blood, now called photo luminescence therapy, to treat disease is not at all new. Ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI) was used for treating serious infections, including polio before the early 1940s. However, it became less popular after the discovery of penicillin by physician, microbiologist, and pharmacologist Sir Alexander Fleming (1881–1955), for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1945—which he shared with physician Howard Florey and biochemist Ernst Chain, who worked on developing Fleming’s life-saving antibiotic discovery.

Penicillin was introduced into the market in 1942 in the successful treatment of a septic woman. Its success in treating a large number of bacterial infections including strep throat, pneumonia, syphilis, cellulitis, gas gangrene, tetanus, and many others, and the discovery of the polio vaccine by Jonas Salk eclipsed the usefulness of ultraviolet light blood irradiation therapy. However, UBI continued to be useful in a limited number of cases of viral and antibiotic resistant bacterial infections, mainly by alternative-integrative medical practitioners in the Unite States, in Europe, and in the eastern countries where physicians are less enamored with products from the pharmaceutical industry that boomed subsequent to the penicillin miracle.  

In sepsis, the infectious organism has already gained entry to the blood stream and the infection is attacking all tissues and organ of the body. The immune system mounts a defensive mechanism that involves mobilizing all the different white blood cells to engulf and kill the organisms through the release of cytokines and to remove them from the body. Unfortunately, with a massive white blood cell response, the debris from the killed microorganisms and dead tissue and blood cells as well as the byproducts of the defensive immune system processes increase. Because the dead organisms and the byproducts of inflammation are themselves inflammatory, they add to the widespread inflammatory bodily reaction accompanied by leaking of blood vessels, swelling, loss of cellular function, destruction of cells, blood clots, multiple organ failure, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with failure of oxygenation to the tissues, which, in severe cases, result in death.

There has been no satisfactory drug offered for this condition of hyper-exaggerated immune inflammatory response termed “cytokine storm” and the medical community is looking at alternative therapies to add to the medical armamentarium. UBI is now being reevaluated for the treatment of serious infections. UV radiation has been shown to kill infectious bacteria and viruses, but its major effect seems to be in its ability to improve the immune system response by increasing the phagocytic activity of monocytes and granulocytes, modulating the intensity of the inflammatory process, improving circulation, accelerating DNA repair, and decreasing blood coagulability.

New research suggests that far-UVC light is a powerful and inexpensive tool for prevention and reduction of airborne viral infections in enclosed spaces without the hazards of conventional germicidal UVC lamps, such as cataract and skin cancer. It is being studied for treatment of local infections, especially those caused by antibiotic resistant organisms.

Let’s go on to the President’s second enquiry on the treatment of coronavirus infection. The common ingredient of chlorine-based disinfectant products (such as bleach) is hypochlorous acid (HOCL), an oxidant. Do you know that the human body makes it? Yes, it does so in response to infection. When harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites invade the body, a certain class of white blood cells called neutrophils go to the site of infection to kill the pathogens. They do their job by engulfing the invader (like Pacman does in the videogame) and then producing HOCL, killing the organism. So, in the face of a serious infection, the lungs are filled with white blood cells engaged in active duty and in a manner of speaking, the lungs are awash in hypochlorous acid, the active ingredient in some disinfectants. In the quantities that the body makes it, HOCL is not toxic.

The next enquiry then, is how to deliver this ingredient, a natural product of the body, safely to the place that needs it the most? A lot of medications are already delivered to the lungs by means of nebulization. Bronchodilators for asthma, corticosteroids, antibiotics, amino acids, antifungals, vitamins such as vitamin C and B vitamins, minerals such as potassium and magnesium, synthetic prostacyclin and nitric oxide for the treatment of ARDS, and sodium bicarbonate have all been nebulized already. And so, the logical scientific inquiry that follows is to determine whether HOCL nebulization works, and then arrive at the safest and most effective dose. It is a walk in the park for brilliant researchers to find out in their laboratories whether this therapeutic prospect merits trial on actual patients or not. May they take hold of this idea and go fire up their labs.

There is hope for a good outcome of the controversies that have arisen out of President Trump’s enquiry about possible therapies against this COVID-19 pandemic. We just have to keep on asking questions and act on finding answers.

Lena Rabi Capapas, M.D.


  1. Hamblin, Michael R.: Ultraviolet Irradiation of Blood: “The Cure That Time Forgot”?; Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017; 996: 295–309, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-56017-5_25, PMCID: PMC6122858 NIHMSID: NIHMS986489 PMID: 29124710
  2. Welch, David: Far-UVC light: A new tool to control the spread of airborne- mediated microbial diseases;
  3. Tianhong Dai et al.: “Ultraviolet C irradiation: an alternative antimicrobial approach to localized infections?”; Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2012 Feb; 10 (2)185–195 doi: 10.1586/eri.11.166
  5. Chemical Disinfectants | Disinfection & Sterilization Guidelines | Guidelines Library | Infection Control | CDC


The Light of God Shines Through You

Dedicated to the Frontliners of our COVID-19 Defense

Letters to the Tribe #10

April 15, 2020

Easter Sunday is a happy day that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, three days after he died from crucifixion. It signifies the triumph of everlasting life over death, and is usually marked all over the Christian world with religious services packed with people in their bright, best and newest clothes, Easter parade, sumptuous family meals and excited children running around hunting for Easter egg, all amidst symbols of fertility, new life and rebirth: fresh flowers especially white Easter lilies, colorful Easter eggs, Easter bunnies and candy.

However, the current coronavirus contagion has changed the landscape of everyone’s life, including how we find ourselves on Easter Sunday.  Most of us are living under quarantine orders of limited mobility and socialization. Most restaurants and other gathering places are closed. Most places of worship are closed. Families celebrated Easter listening to live-streamed services in their own solitary surroundings at home, isolated from neighbors and family members who are similarly geographically confined. A lot of shopping malls, factories, and offices are closed. Only pharmacies, banks, groceries, hospitals, and other services deemed essential stay open. Doctors, nurses, hospital workers, uniformed forces, first responders, and volunteers in all capacities are working long exhausting hours caring for the afflicted while being additionally burdened by having to wear personal protective equipment and perform extra precautionary measures.

On Easter Sunday, Pope Francis celebrated mass and delivered his message of solidarity and hope inside a mostly empty St. Peter’s basilica instead of on the balcony in front of a massive number of people on St. Peter’s Square, flanked by a riot of colors and scent of fresh flowers that line the plaza’s promenade. He spoke of a “‘different contagion,’ a message transmitted from heart to heart . . . the contagion of hope: ‘Christ, my hope, is risen!’. . . the victory of love over the root of evil, a victory that does not “bypass” suffering and death, but passes through them, opening a path in the abyss, transforming evil into good . . . the unique hallmark of the power of God.”

Queen Elizabeth, 94 years old on April 21 and in her 68th year reign, whose own son (Prince Charles) was confirmed positive for the virus, stayed home with Prince Philip and broke tradition in a first–ever audio-recorded truly inspirational Easter message. She said, “Many religions have festivals which celebrate light overcoming darkness. Such occasions are often accompanied by the lighting of candles. They seem to speak to every culture, and appeal to people of all faiths, and of none. . . . It unites us. . . We know that coronavirus will not overcome us. As dark as death can be — particularly for those suffering with grief — light and life are greater. May the living flame of the Easter hope be a steady guide as we face the future.” 

The Holy Fire ceremony, performed on Holy Saturday of the Orthodox Christian Easter at the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem, also known as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, has changed likewise. Normally, thousands of Christian followers, pilgrims, observers, and tourists bearing candles fill the church, the open spaces around the church, and the other chapels nearby. This year, the Orthodox Easter, based on the Julian calendar, will be celebrated on Sunday, April 19, one week after the western Christian Easter. The Easter eve ceremony of the Holy Fire will be attended solely by eight representatives from the four Orthodox Catholic denominations. Once the Hoy Fire is received by the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, a few members of the clergy will take it to cars waiting outside the gates of the Holy City and then take it in special containers to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel where seven planes will be waiting to continue its yearly relay to all Orthodox communities around the world.

The Holy Fire ceremony has been faithfully performed at the same time every Holy Saturday since the fourth century A.D. and has been recorded for the past 1200 years. Through the many battles over control of Jerusalem between the Romans, Jews, Christians, Egyptians, Moslems, Mongols, and other invaders, the Greek Orthodox Church has maintained conservatorship over the tomb and the resurrection site of Jesus and the Holy Fire. Today, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is shared between six Christian denominations: the Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Armenian Apostolic, Coptic, Syriac, and Ethiopian Orthodox Churches. However, the guardianship of the key to the church has been held by a single Muslim family since the 12th century, a testament to the territorial rivalry between the Christian denominations.

The liturgy of the Holy Flame starts with the Patriarch entering the church at 1:45 pm, after which he takes off his liturgical vestments, including his miter, leaving only a white robe. He is dutifully inspected by official representatives from the authorities, different denominations, and the Police superintendent of Jerusalem for any light-producing source on his person. The sepulcher or Edicule, a small structure under the towering massive dome of the church that has been identified by the Christian community as the site of the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, also gets inspected and made certain to be completely free of light and light sources. All lights are out at this point. The Patriarch then enters the tomb carrying two unlighted candles and kneels before the very stone on which Christ is believed to have been laid to rest and recites certain special prayers which have been handed down from one patriarch to the next for many generations.

After a few minutes, the Patriarch emerges from the crypt bearing the Holy Fire that miraculously lighted his two candles while in the tomb. greeted by a crowd of excited believers whose candles are subsequently lighted in a quick succession from the Holy Fire. But there’s a lot more to the ceremony of the Holy Flame than the scene I have just described. The flame that ignited the Patriarch’s candles has been chronicled to start as an ill-defined something that emerges from the core of the stone on which the body of Jesus was laid to rest, now protected by a slab of marble. The appearance of the fire is described as like a mist rising above a lake, only it is not watery—it is fire. The Holy Fire is white-blue in color, sometimes taking on different hues. At some point, the light assumes the form of a column from which the Patriarch lights his candle. An electrical discharge or a lightning strike has been observed in the Edicule while the Patriarch is still in it and it is thought that the electrical discharge itself is enough to light his candles. There seems to be a selective property of this electrical event that spares everything but the candle’s wick.

Sometimes, even before the Patriarch emerges from the Edicule, miraculous light phenomena occur inside the church, attested to by many people who have been there. They include bluish white balls of fire that travel around, lighting candles held out by people, blue-white lightning strikes of low frequencies (3 to 10 Hz), or simply a diffuse light that would fill the church. Spontaneous ignitions of individual candles occur as well. In the first few minutes, the faintly yellow flame from the candles would feel only warm and would not burn hair, beard, skin, or clothing. This cool light has been measured to be around 42 degrees Celsius but gradually becomes hotter so that after 20 minutes, it becomes as hot as the flame from a candle ignited the usual way with a match or lighter, around 840 to 890 degrees Celsius.

Scientists have studied this electromagnetic display (that recalls the Old Testament’s bush of Moses which burned but was not consumed) and the supposition is that it is the result of the production of cold plasma that gradually turns into a hot plasma. Hot plasma is what exists in thermal equilibrium in the high temperature gaseous environment of stars like the sun where the electrons and the protons and neutrons are not yet able to coalesce due to their frenzied energetic movement. It is also the state of affairs of gases when electrons are artificially stripped from the atom, leaving only the proton and neutron nucleus, a process called ionization. Cold plasma production during the Holy Fire ceremony means that there is ionization of gases, a process that happens naturally in the vacuum of space or laboratory and high-voltage electrical events such as lightning and by the use of a laser beam of a specific frequency. It is not a natural occurrence in ambient air temperature and pressure inside a church although high voltage electrical discharges can produce ionization and corona discharge under certain conditions, all of which have already been noted to happen during the Holy Fire observance. The number of ions present in the air during the liturgy has been found to increase from 140 ions/sq cm before the Holy Fire is lit to 6,040 ions/sq cm within the hour or so after.

The plasma is cold in the first few minutes before the ions reach temperature equilibrium with the extremely fast-moving hot electrons.  The production of cold plasma is not a natural occurrence in ambient air temperature and pressure inside a church but high voltage electrical discharges can produce ionization and corona discharge under certain conditions.

This cool electromagnetic radiation may have relevance to the mystery of the Shroud of Turin. According to scientific tests, the Shroud of Turin, the cloth of fine linen (considered to be very rare and very expensive at the time of Jesus) in which the Christ was wrapped, contains AB positive blood, human DNA, and pollen from Jerusalem and is free of paint, dye, ink, vapors, chemicals, brush strokes, and scorching. It bears a three-dimensional, high-definition image of a man that has all the properties of a photographic negative. A cool corona electromagnetic radiation can account for such an impression of the previously perplexing mirror image of the front side and back side of a man on the shroud.

 Thus, the resurrection of Jesus Christ may be thought of as an event of brightly blazing but cool corona electromagnetic radiation, a quick flash of intense cool fire coming from His body that did not burn Him or his burial cloth into ashes. His radiant light resurrection simply left a perplexing and nonreproducible stunning image of His thorn-pierced head and face and of His bloody, torturously scourged, wounded, and lanced body on the burial shroud.

Whether or not the miracle of the Holy Fire is solidly proven to have scientific basis, we know that the miracle of the love of the risen Christ dwells in the simplicity of harmonically coherent vibrations in the deepest chambers of our hearts and in the farthest recesses of our minds in prayer, meditation. and focused attention. And whether or not we have received the Holy Flame itself, we know that we resonate with it in our hearts, being entangled and one with those whose candles and oil lamps glow in enduring faith; and wholly belonging to and one with the singular flame of pure Love, the risen Christ, the triune God of the universe.  

Receive the Holy Fire with gratitude, joy, and hope. Stay in the present, focus your full attention on what you are doing in the now moment to the exclusion of all idle thoughts. Unwaveringly fulfill your present calling, whether caring for your patients, holding your family together, giving service to others, and helping those in financial need from the bottom of your heart, so that they may feel the light and love of God through you, and thank Him. Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Their sincere gratitude to the Father is your blessing and glory.

May the Holy Fire of Christ’s resurrection cast away the darkness of fear and lift the cloud of despair imposed by this contagion. And may it fill your hearts with hope and your minds with conviction of a joyful triumph of the human spirit—in God’s abounding grace—over all adversity.

And remember: you are loved.

Lena Rabi Capapas, M.D.


  1. The Queen’s Easter Message: Published 11 April 2020
  2. Urbi  Et Orbi Message of His Holiness Pope Francis; Easter, 12 April 2020,
  3. Hvidt, NC: The Miracle of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem;
  4. Miracle of Holy Light (Holy Fire) in Jerusalem in church of Holy Sepulcher before Orthodox Easter
  5. Rusu, I: Editorial: About cold plasma Physics and the Miracle of Easter; European Journal of Science and Theology, June 2010, Vol.6, No.2, 1-7
  6. Fanti, G:  Is the “Holy Fire” Related to the Turin Shroud?: Global Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology (GJAA); vol 10, Issue 2 July 2019
  7. Stalley, L: Is the Shroud of Turin the Actual Burial Cloth of Jesus ?; Copyrighted © 2020,
  8. Adler, A: The Nature of the Body Images on the Shroud of Turin; © 1999 Alan D. Adler;


Letters to the Tribe #9

April 8, 2020

Peace and Equanimity Under Coronavirus Lockdown

Living under coronavirus lockdown for many weeks at a stretch is definitely a new circumstance for most of us. It is disruptive, shocking, and confounding. Indeed, the strict orders to limit freedom of mobility and choices of social contact and activity make for long days and nights that can be mentally, psychologically, emotionally, and bodily challenging, demanding, and wearisome. Life in home quarantine is no picnic, yet somehow, it is inspirational. It evokes in us a host of reactions that include positive emotions and actions of love and compassion for those affected by the novel coronavirus. It gives us the impetus and grit to undertake various small and big projects to help the frontliners (the doctors, nurses, aides, other hospital workers, policemen, keepers of checkpoints and temporary holding areas) obtain their personal protective equipment (PPE) consisting of gowns, masks, head and foot covers, and much appreciated home-cooked meals. The slower life of home quarantine affords us time to be thoughtful of others. It motivates us to assist financially-stricken families and to arouse and nurture in them and in the community, rays of authentic hope and reasonable anticipation of a fairly quick victory.

As well, negative feelings abound.  There is a certain suffocating atmosphere of uncertainty, lack of control, hopelessness, blame, worry, fear, irritation, frustration, anger, victimization, resentment, confusion, restlessness, agitation, anxiety, panic, even hysteria. These emotions incite in us a spirit of rebellion but offers no person to rebel against, much less a face from which one might get the satisfaction of eliciting a look of disapproval and ire. These negative reactions might be unclear and present only as an ill-defined sense of unease and gloom which blankets us somehow and from which there is no escape except perhaps by running to the nearest closet, locking ourselves in and screaming our precious lungs out.

These emotions stem from many factors that operate at this time: the loss of complete freedom to be anywhere with anyone you wish to be, the looming possibility of contracting COVID-19, and the likelihood experiencing a scary sensation of not being able to get enough air that may culminate in a lonely death deprived of the soothing clutch of a loved one’s hand and comforting presence of family and friends, and the pain of actually losing someone dear to the disease. There is also the reality of loss of income, diminished availability of food and everyday supplies, and curtailed social interactions and personal physical contact. Furthermore, being cooped up at home on quarantine exaggerates conflicts between immediate household members due to inevitable constant encounter with certain persons who otherwise would be at school or in their workplaces or away from the house doing their own thing, allowing much-needed reprieve—if only for a short time.

It is under the weight of these negative feelings that we feel stressed and to which our bodies react accordingly, and yet, it is on these very emotions and bodily responses that we are able to exert our awesome authentic personal power that is derived from the Divine. We can choose to emerge strong and victorious over the whole ordeal or break and crumble into pieces in defeat.

To arrive at the appropriate choice, let us go over how the human body behaves under stress. Like a well-oiled machine, the human organism hums a harmonious tune of homeostasis and stability most of the time. This state of flawless equilibrium is made possible by an organ-system, called the autonomic nervous system (ANS) that performs a balancing act to keep an optimum environment for cells, tissues, and organs to carry on with their individual and shared functions of life and for them to communicate with each other for a seamless automatic whole-system operation which proceeds under the radar of our conscious awareness.

The autonomic nervous system has two major balancing energetic arms: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems. The sympathetic system is the arm involved in “fight or flight” responses when there is perceived danger and the parasympathetic is in charge of calming the whole system down for it to perform the “rest and digest” function of repairing cells and tissues, and recharging the body. It is responsible for assimilation of energy from nutritive sources to maintain life and storage of excess energy in preparation for any future assault.

During instances where the human organism’s wellbeing or survival is threatened, the sympathetic system is called into action. The danger signals received by the five senses and extrasensory receptors are processed by the brain areas where emotional and rational responses to perceived threat are determined. Then, the command center, of the brain, the hypothalamus, sends distress signals to the organs of the ANS responsible for action. The adrenal glands release the stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. These hormones are taken up by all organs of the body and cause heightened alertness, quicker and greater sensory reception, faster, clearer thinking and decision making, faster heart rate, higher blood pressure, muscle tension, more blood flow to the muscles and lungs, less blood flow to the skin, dilation of the pupils of the eyes, suppression of functions of waste elimination and many other coordinated necessary reactions.

The intensity of emotional, psychological, and bodily responses is based on the gravity of perceived threat. Once the danger is gone, the parasympathetic system takes over and everything calms down and goes back to equilibrium. However, there are times when the severity of the threat is overly magnified and the response is exaggerated. When this situation happens, sympathetic activation becomes protracted and the body does not rest enough to recuperate. Chronic stress reaction results.

Acute and chronic stress, accompanied by the negative emotions mentioned earlier, adversely affect emotional, mental, and bodily health. They have been associated with sudden and dangerous elevation of blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks, heart rhythm irregularities, sudden death from cardiac arrest and abnormal heart rhythm, fatigue, worsening of pre-existing illnesses, cancer, sleep disorder, depression, severe anxiety and panic, and other mental and emotional problems, and disorders of metabolism such as metabolic syndrome X that includes high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.

However, we can choose a wholesome response. We do not have to accept the negative influences and consequences of the emotions brought about by stressful situations. We can totally reject these dissonant notes. The secret of doing that lies in remembering who we truly are (the main topic of our discussion in January 2020 which is available on We are material emanations of source energy frequency, unified with and completely of the God of the universe. We know that the key to remembering this one truth is the power of prayer, meditation, intention, and focused attention. We were pure and whole until we were conceived and then born and became entangled with the frequencies of the material world. They are mostly resonant and coherent, but not all. There are distressing discordant frequencies that the material body is better off without.

The autonomic nervous system is the body’s offensive and defensive mechanism. The organs that feature most prominently in ANS control are the heart and the brain which send and receive information to and from each other mostly through the vagus nerve. The heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain does to the heart. This means that the heart influences the brain a lot more than the brain does the heart. Because its electromagnetic field is bigger and stronger, the heart is more powerful than the brain at communicating with stressful ambient environment and with the frequencies of the waves of all possibilities of health and wholeness in the zero-point field. But, when the brain and the heart are aligned in their intention and desire to be healthy and whole and are in a state of joy and gratitude-having claimed the outcome as already done-their composite energy vortex is even more powerful in achieving resonance with like energy frequencies of potentiality in the field. It entangles with them and together, they form a new vortex of frequencies of health of body, thought, and emotions that through human consciousness become manifest in the material world, ridding us of all unwelcome energy of dis-ease and suffering and returning us to our true nature of wholeness.

When the brain and the heart are in synchrony, the actions we take are also in concert with them, and so we flexibly bend and sway in full resilience to the dictates of the circumstance we are under.  We wholeheartedly do the things we need to do in order to keep the coronavirus away and to keep our vibrations free from its influence of disharmony. We abide by lockdown rules in undoubting obedience, stay home gladly, wear gloves and masks willingly, practice bodily distancing gracefully, occupy our quiet time joyfully with activities that make us laugh, love, and grow purer spiritually, as well as promote our advance in health and wealth as individuals and as a society, fervently pray for victory over this novel virus and for healing of our society and our planet. We accept life under lockdown with total trust and equanimity.

It is through remembering our true selves attuned to source energy during this slow, quiet time that negative emotions are re-tuned into songs of love, compassion, joy, and gratitude. It is by this high energetic state of being that the low vibrational mode of viral contagion is disengaged and banished from our frequency-entangled reality in this universe. It is from this more coherent state of being that we may tune in ever closer to the pure singular frequency of God, in whom we have our being. And it is in this state of grace that we have peace that passes all understanding.

Lena Rabi Capapas, M.D.


Letters to the Tribe #8: A Call for a Worst-Case Scenario Approach to Coronavirus Protection

April 2, 2020

I wish for us to be joined in calling the attention of all frontline workers, officials and individuals in danger of coronavirus exposure, the White House Coronavirus Task Force, and Vice President Pence.

It behooves us to adopt a worst-case scenario preparedness in dealing with the new coronavirus and not be content with the current backward-looking approach. This virus is an unknown and our experience in preventive measures against previously known viral and bacterial pathogens may not be enough to protect us from COVID-19 that is displaying a stealthy contagiousness and a fierce virulence on human tissues. Please study the reports mentioned below and pass the info on to all people of health care influence and front-liners that you know.

Over the weekend, two important studies were released showing that droplets from coughing or sneezing can be carried farther than the current protective social distancing prescribed by WHO, CDC, and government health care officials. It seems that these recommendations apply only to large droplets, not to microscopic droplets that may travel even up to 27 feet or more if artificially aerosolized by hospital machines. 

According to Fox News, in a joint study by the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), the National Strategic Research Institute at the University of Nebraska, and others, researchers found genetic material from the virus that causes COVID-19 in air samples from both in and outside of confirmed coronavirus patients’ rooms. The findings offer “limited evidence that some potential for airborne transmission exists,” researchers said, though they warned that the findings do not confirm airborne spread. —  

Click here for the original article:

Also, the current WHO and CDC 6-foot social distancing recommendation is probably not enough as this distance is good only for large droplets, not small ones, e.g. from a sneeze, which can travel up to 27 feet and certainly not for machine driven microscopic aerosolized droplets in hospital settings, according to Lydia Bourouiba, PhD, of MIT in a JAMA article (see link below). According to her, “it may seem surprising that the current understanding of the routes of host-to-host transmission in respiratory infectious diseases are predicated on a model of disease transmission developed in the 1930s that, by modern standards, seems overly simplified.” She also said that a study reported from China “demonstrated that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus particles could be found in the ventilation systems in hospital rooms of patients with COVID-19.”


Letters to the Tribe # 7: More Physician Support for Antibiotics Against COVID-19

March 31, 2020 (Updated April 1)

Antibiotics to Use for COVID-19


Letters to the Tribe #6: The Coronavirus Is Not Invincible

March 30, 2020

I am sharing with you this important video from Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D. a cutting-edge alternative physician. I made notes from it on the treatment of COVID-19 to make it easier and faster for you to follow and to add more info and corrections while watching it. Please share with your friends and loved ones. The coronavirus does not have to make us feel so helpless!

Here are my notes on the COVID-19 lecture by Dr. Klinghardt of Sophia Health Institute March 26, 2020, plus some info from other sources:

INCUBATION PERIOD: usually 4-7 days – up to 2 weeks

EARLY DISEASE : another 5-day period: mild symptoms of fever, sore throat, dry cough. At this stage, the virus is in the mucus membranes of the mouth, throat, nose, sinuses and amenable to topical treatment. 
– It may start with gastro-intestinal symptoms of loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, 
abdominal pain – usually a sign of a more serious course

1. Propolis inhaler and spray to said mucus membranes and eyes
2. Propolis gargle

High fever, severe cough (usually dry), shortness of breath (triad)
Maybe body aches, malaise, fatigue, loss of sense of taste and smell

1. Propolis nebulization (for lung disease)
2. ARB or Angiotensin receptor blocker, e.g. Losartan (for hypertension) 50 mgs daily to prevent coronavirus from attaching to the Angiotensin II receptors in the alveoli (lung cells). If you are on an ACE inhibitor, stop it, as blocking the production of Angiotensin II makes the body produce more receptors for it. 
3. High dose Vit. C 25 Gms IV / day 
4. Hydroxychloroquin 200 mgs twice daily x 10 days
5. Azithromycin 250 mgs once daily x 10 days 

Note: Dose recommendation by manufacturers, e.g. that for the brand Zithromax, are based on usual known infections. The effective dose for coronavirus might be different, as this is a new infection on the human species and we do not have experience on it.

Alinea (nitazoxamide) 500 mgs twice daily with food


  1. Camphor for lung symptoms
  2. Arsenicum Album 30C (check dose with homeopathic Dr.) twice daily for 5 days then once monthly until well.


Cannabis CBD (cannabidiol) – immune modulator, useful in preventing cytokine storm)
THC – tetrahydrocannabinol for its anxiolytic effect
Preparation: CBD/THC = 10/1 in am and 5/1 in pm for better sleep

ACTIVE COVID-19 Do’s and Don’ts per Dr. Klinghardt (Sophia Health Institute)

Note: selenium is good during the preventive stage but stop when there are symptoms suggesting active infection (see Dr. Klinghardt’s note at the bottom). 

• My PREVENTIVE Immune support in addition to my JP for 2020

1. Vitamin C (minimum 2000 mgs/day of Vit C from all sources)
I personally prefer Emergen-C because of the added B vitamins and raspberry flavor

2. ACES + Zn (it has 15 mg zinc and selenium 100 mcg Vit C 500 mg) – 2 softgels /day
Note: Stop when active disease is suspected or confirmed (see Rx Active COVID=19) because Selenium can be an ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitor. 

3. Black elderberry syrup 2 tsp. 4 x daily
(I prefer Sambucol (used in original study against cold virus) sugar free, sweetened with 

4. Epicor 500 mg daily

5. Essential Fatty Acids EPA/DHA

6. Bee Propolis 500 mg daily

7. Healthy gut regimen including probiotics + no sugar and sugar equivalents; no alcohol

My PRACTICAL suggestions:

-Hot (below scalding level and tolerable) salty water gardles @ 3 x a day – no specific amount of salt but as salty as tolerated. Caution: Do not swallow!

-sanitize mail and packages before bringing them into the house.

-Do not handle money! Use a credit card (which you swipe yourself), or put change in a plastic bag, or use gloves (to be discarded safely or washed after use).

-Enjoy a daily swim in the ocean, if you can.

-consider this: papaya and pineapple have enzymes that might be helpful in digesting the protective cloak of the virus and the viral protein itself. Since they are usual food items, it does not hurt to include them in you diet.

-in the absence of alcohol or chlorine based sanitizers, why not use vinegar?

Above all, stay calm. Trust. Pray, meditate, and tune in to your true self which comes from and is one with God and be as vibrationally harmonized as you can get!

All helpful suggestions are welcome!

Lena Rabi Capapas, M.D.…


Letters to the Tribe # 5

March 2020

Reflections While Under COVID-19 Lockdown

My husband and I arrived in the Philippines towards the end of January, 2020 when the coronavirus (COVID-19) was still mostly in Wuhan, China and the total confirmed cases (according to an interactive graph on was only 1,317 worldwide. At the end of February, it had risen to 86.604 and close to the middle of March, 145,483. As of today, March 25, the worldwide total of confirmed cases is over 500,000.

My husband wanted to cut our stay short for a number of reasons besides fear of being stranded. I too, wished to be close to family during this trying time. At this juncture, the uptick of confirmed cases was already escalating exponentially and it was getting increasingly riskier to be in crowded places like airports and airplanes for hours and hours with people who might be asymptomatic carriers and perhaps even with those who are already sick. Nonetheless, the desire to go home was strong and so, for days on end in midMarch, we tried all avenues for us to get back on American soil.  

However, after all my effort at booking and canceling four different itineraries (made ever-challenging by jammed telephone lines, crashing websites, hurriedly and thus, poorly trained customer representatives, and delayed and confusing directives from the top of government and airline agencies), hotel arrangements for self-quarantine, and then scrambling to beat the rapid successions of land, sea and air travel restrictions in order to get to the international airport in Cebu City, we finally decided to lay all striving to rest.

I had been praying for guidance while all the time immersed in a struggle for passage back to the U.S., but reflecting back on it, I had not really stopped to be quiet and discern the answer. I gained clarity of what I had to do while I was writing—words just flowing through my fingers with the logical filtering function of my brain at bay—to my niece’s daughter, a nursing student. She asked me how we were faring and I told her of our quandary. I also told her that my brain says “stay put” and my heart and gut feel likewise.

Then the answer to my prayer hit me. The words, “stay put” stopped me dead in my tracks. There it was, on paper, in black and white: the naked truth straight from my heart. Those two little words screamed back at me from the screen. It was obvious that I was just doing all that thrashing about in behalf of my husband’s and my own desire (or so I thought), that was not really vibrationally aligned with the disharmonious medical situation in the world. It was time to act in accordance with the purer frequency of my own truth.

With all our flights back to Missouri and our arrangements for a 14-day self-quarantine canceled, we find ourselves hunkered down, not in my hometown paradise of Tara (I call my home thus in honor of Tara, the Buddhist goddess of wisdom and compassion and Scarlett O’Hara’s roots, her plantation home in the movie “Gone with the Wind”), but in the comfortable and welcoming charm of my nephew’s family home in Lapulapu City, only a hop, skip, and a jump away from Cebu’s Mactan International Airport. Furthermore, there are good medical facilities in Cebu should one be needed. 

Right now, we are under provincial lockdown orders. On March 25, the lady governor, a strict no-nonsense mother hen of the Cebuanos, said: “Under a lockdown, all work will have to stop and everyone will be required to stay inside 24 hours a day except for essential services” – potentially for 20 to 30 days!

During these times of trouble and uncertainty, the winds of change can be gale force, nay, even supertyphoon in intensity, during which health, life, and property may be lost or damaged. Knowing that we are in this storm together as a community eases the pain and heartbreak of loss and dis-ease, and shelters each one of us from the shock and difficulties of carrying on with a way of living that has drastically changed. It strengthens us individually and binds us tightly as a society.

One might compare one’s unique situation to an individual stem of a bamboo tree that is sheltered from the fierce buffeting of a storm’s strong winds and heavy rain, buttressed by the many stems of the tree and cushioned by many other trees in the grove. Similarly, just like the supple tenacity of the bamboo that bends and sways violently and yet unbreakingly with the wind while holding firmly rooted to the ground, our tenacious resilience as individuals and as a people evolves to noble reaches that allow us to come out of this storm of life stronger, wiser, and more unified as a community.

The slower pace of daily life under quarantine allows us to bond with family under one roof, with neighbors passing by, though few and far between, and with our extended families and communities through social media. And a slower life frees some precious time for us to reflect, pray, meditate, and connect with our true selves that resonate more with the pure frequency of source energy, with our God, than with the frequencies that are entangled with the discordant perceived material world.

Those are my reflections in the stillness of a world under COVID-19 lockdown, not in isolation but in a spirit of cooperation and unity. It is my dear hope that our bonding be profound yet light, joyful, and loving, and our reconnection with Source be transformative and healing in every way. Most certainly, deep in my heart I know that we are reborn by this propitious ordeal evermore mindful that we are one with one another, with mother earth, and with the cosmos, healed together in loving wholeness with the infinite and eternal God of the universe.

And remember: You are loved.

Lena Rabi Capapas, M.D.


Letters to the Tribe #4

Lovelight from the Heart

February 2020

February 14 is Valentine’s Day. It is a day dedicated to love. It is a day centered on the heart. Why is love and the feelings of love attached to the heart? And why on February 14?

Valentine (from the latin word valentus), meaning prevail, strong and brave or valiant) was a physician and a Catholic priest during the reign of Claudius II in 3rd century Rome. According to historians, the Roman soldiers were wedded to their jobs and were not allowed to marry. Valentine secretly performed Catholic marriage rites on soldiers and their lovers. His activities became known and he was persecuted, then killed by decapitation on February 14, which just happened to be the festival day of Lupercalia, the pagan goddess of fertility. The festival was a barbaric ancient Roman ritual of fertility that involved skinning goats and dogs and beating women (who eagerly participated) with the skin, followed by days of sexual orgy. When Rome turned Catholic, this date was designated as the feast day of St. Valentine, who, by then, had been proclaimed a martyr and a saint by the Catholic community. The popularization of this day as a day of romantic love is said to have started with a passage from poet Geoffrey Chaucer’s year 1375 poem: “For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne’s day / When every foul cometh ther to choose his mate.”

When one is in love, the chemistry of love is activated in the brain. A natural amphetamine called phenylethylamine (PEA), a nervous system stimulant (feeling on top of the world) is especially secreted in the hypothalamus and initiates the release, facilitation, and retention of the so-called love chemicals or feel good neurotransmitters: dopamine (pleasure, reward), serotonin (happiness, calmness), oxytocin (emotional attachment, cuddling, security, calmness) and vasopressin (monogamous bonding). Norepinephrine and oxytocin are likewise produced in the heart, which has just as much oxytocin concentration as the brain. At the same time, the parts of the brain responsible for logical thinking, critical assessment, fear, and anger are suppressed: the biological reason why “love is blind”. Additionally, the strong feelings of romantic love are stressful and they stimulate the adrenal glands to secrete the stress hormones adrenaline, norepinephrine (fight or flight response, excitement, alertness), and cortisol.

Although these chemicals are greatly activated inside the brain, the strong connection between the brain and the heart as well as the rest of the body results in a whole-body response centered on the heart. A person in love feels like he is on top of the world, happy, giddy, excited, and touch-feely. He becomes silly, illogical, day-dreamy, and apt to throw caution to the wind. The adrenaline surge makes his heart beat faster and stronger. It may even make his heart skip a beat, his pupils dilate, his eyes shine, his palms sweaty, and his cheeks flushed. He loses appetite and he cannot sleep a wink. He may even get pimples. His heart hurts at the thought of rejection. It is interesting to note that the cacao (cocoa) in chocolate candy, which is a traditional Valentine’s Day love offering, is rich in PEA. Ancient as well as modern cultures use cacao as an aphrodisiac food item.

Love comes in multiple expressions. The most familiar is of the romantic kind that has just been discussed. But it also comes in the form of rightful self-love and caring, selfless concern for others, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, gentleness, kindness, patience, thankless sacrifice, generosity, joy, praise, exaltation, beauty, grace, and more. All the different manifestations and expressions of love are created by the resonant electromagnetic frequencies from the heart orchestrated through the mathematics of harmony.

Psychologically, the color that love is most associated with is pink. It is a calming frequency combination of red, blue, and green. If all colors are reflected completely, the combined frequency will be perceived by the brain as white. But since red is reflected more than the others in this harmonic color composition, the brain perceives a mixture of red and white. (The different hues of pink therefore, depends on the different degrees by which the component colors are absorbed or reflected.) Pink cools the tension between the passion and sultriness of red and the purity and innocence of white. It promotes the feeling of warmth, delicate sexuality, femininity, nurture, comfort, and security.

Living organisms send out and receive ultraweak light signals (biophotons) that are apparently involved in cell to cell communication. It has been discovered that the fascia—the connective tissue which wraps around every organ of the body and serves to maintain their shape and individuality (keeping them from being just lumps of tissue), and covers every nerve and every blood vessel that courses through organs and their tissues—emits light and sound. Previously almost exclusively thought to provide mechanical support and function, it is now suspected to be a vital energetic (electromagnetic) communication channel.

We do not see biophotons, but they can be recorded through amplified photography. Because our visual and auditory sensory organs can receive signals only in the range of about 430–770 terahertz and  20-20,00 hertz respectively, we do not see or hear anything below or above these ranges even though those unperceived frequencies are there just the same as part of the human electromagnetic field or biofield. Some people can detect these frequencies in the form of a person’s aura, depicted in religious paintings as a halo of light around a saint’s head or around the body of the blessed Virgin Mary.

The heart is mostly muscle tissue that works unceasingly to pump blood that brings nutrients, oxygen, and water to all tissues in the body and carries away their waste products. However, besides muscles, the heart has nerve and connective tissues that generate and conduct electricity to the brain and to the rest of the body and vice versa. The electrical signals are detected on the skin by the ECG (electrocardiogram) machine. Electrical impulses from a person’s heart that look just like an actual ECG tracing can be seen in another person’s EEG (electroencephalogram) recording when they are touching or just sitting in proximity to each other without touching. People’s heart and brain waves get synchronized and entrained when in the same room, a phenomenon that has also been shown between a person and his pet dog.

The heart’s electromagnetic field is 100 times stronger than that of the brain and can be measured up to 3 feet away by a magnetometer (SQUID or superconducting quantum interference device) and is a large component of the total human electromagnetic field which can be measured as well. That the heart shines, has been popularized in the movie, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, a poignant and heart-warming story of love between a boy and an extraterrestrial alien who was left stranded on earth. In this movie, E.T., homesick and missing his family so, was trying hard to communicate with his homeland. His heart lighted up and pulsed as he desperately pointed his finger upward to the skies, seeking connection with his people. Neil Diamond and other musicians (Carole Bayer Sager and Burt Bacharach) were inspired to write a song about it, Turn On Your Heartlight, which Diamond sang.

This field of unseen light can be felt by some people. It is especially exemplified by the felt presence of a person soon after death. Other post-death perceptions of a person sometimes involve the senses, such as smelling the deceased person’s favorite perfume or hearing her voice or seeing her sitting across the room—maybe not in a way so concrete that one can accurately describe the style and color of clothes or hair or movements, but in some non-specific ephemeral way that is nonetheless veritably perceived.

Electromagnetic non-five-sensory communication between people in life is evident in situations where a person enjoys someone else’s company or having rapport with her or relishing her presence, or when people experience a feeling of closeness or strong bond, or having a sense of connection, or having the same vibes, or thinking alike, or feeling the same emotion, even in the absence of verbal communication or bodily cues. Astonishingly, this phenomenon is best understood as a delicious blending of people’s inner soul melodies, an experience that cannot be as easily and as eloquently described as those discerned by the five senses.

Long distance electromagnetic communication, a connection consistent with the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, has been recognized between twins and other people with close relationships, and between people and their pet animals and plants. To roughly illustrate, think of them as you would the ultrahigh frequency vibrational pairing of computers, printers, monitors, laptops, phones, watches and other mobile devices through Bluetooth wireless technology or the synchronization of clocks through the global positioning system (GPS) satellites.

February is American heart month. There is a nationwide call to wear red to focus awareness on heart disease in women. To me, this way of looking at the state of the human body is detrimental to it. It brings a mental image of departure from health. Rather than a picture of a woman engaging in an enjoyable activity such as a walk on the beach in the morning sun, the image it brings is of her clutching her chest in pain from a heart attack or of her with tubes attached to her mouth and chest after a heart artery bypass procedure. Thinking, focusing, and acting in advocacy against disease project the image of departure from health, of hospitals, pills, and limitations, and in some cases, joylessness. Needless to say, the vibrations of these images, feelings, and thoughts are of fear and disharmony, not of authentic self-love and coherence. They attract similar dissonant frequencies and consequently, raise the undesired energy of the exact opposite of our ideal spirit-resonant healthy material state.  

This picture requires changing. To do that, the first step is to view it from the bottom up; from the foundation to the whole structure. As we have learned from our previous discussions, we material beings emanate from the wholeness of Spirit, the pure frequency of light, and as such, we are also whole healthwise. As we go through this material existence from conception on, the resonant frequencies that formed us get entangled with the external world frequencies that do not necessarily harmonize with our individual unique Spirit-entwined music. Loss of harmony in the human body literally fills it with static noise (think static in radio or TV broadcast), resulting in electromagnetic interference with resonant communication between cells, tissues, organs and systems, and culminating in what is medically classified as disease.

Looking at the subject matter from the perspective of coherent vibrations of health, the next step to take is to align our energetic vibrations with those of wholeness and health. Let’s start with the way we think: Picture yourself doing the things you like to do in perfect health, whether the activity be walking, running, swimming, bicycling, dancing, singing, playing a musical instrument, tending your garden, fishing, hammering, driving a tractor, solving a problem for work or school, giving a talk, or teaching schoolchildren—whatever activities of daily life you do. In the process of imagining all those things, align your mind and your heart. It means for you to feel, deep in your heart, the joy, appreciation, and gratitude for the vibrant health that you enjoy.

In envisioning yourself in the “pink of health” and savoring life, you emit vibrations of love for who you truly are, a vortex of resonant frequencies emanating from pure spirit (we talked about this in “Remembering Who You Are” and the manuscript is available for review at: ) that are in complete harmony with health and well-being. And because they attract vibrations of the same kind, you become a magnet for things and conditions that support your material as well as spiritual well-being, be they clean water, food, air, thoughts, belief systems, relationships, or life events.

We possess the ability to create, from the potentialities of the zero-point electromagnetic matrix, the kind of reality that we desire through the principle of vibrational resonance. Let us remember always to send out from our hearts the vibrations of love, to let shine, through our hearts, the light of Love, the pure electromagnetic signal that begets and supports us and this beautiful universe we live in.

Having taken to heart what we have just discussed today, let us now put them into active practice. Let us follow the advice of Neil Diamond and model after E.T.:

“Turn on your heartlight, let it shine wherever you go.

Let it make a happy glow for all the world to see.”

Imagine your heart glowing pink with the light of love. Picture its soft glow, like glistening pink cotton candy, rhythmically pulsating out from your heart to fill the room, and home in to the heart of the person in front of you. Smile and look deep into his eyes and see what happens. You will be pleasantly surprised. Do this whenever you interact with somebody, when going for a job interview, or meeting someone for the first time, or getting on a phone call with customer service for the resolution of a problem. Whatever the circumstance, always send out clouds of pink cotton candy to blanket your world and then, watch in total wonder as the undulating lovelight from your heart shimmers and casts its awesome magic spell.

And remember: You are loved!

Lena Rabi Capapas, M.D.


Letters to the Tribe #3

Remembering Who You Are

Christmas eve, 2019

A Christmas tree ornament came in the mail last weekend, a gift from my cardiology mentor at the University of Louisville Jewish Hospital, and his wife.  It reads: “The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or touched—they must be felt by the heart. We wish you and those you love a heartfelt holiday.”

Indeed, this is a season of love, unity, and peace. They are gifts from the heart and felt by the heart. When we give from the bottom of our hearts, the energy of the gift is maximally spread into the electromagnetic field of this universe. The heart has the biggest electromagnetic field of all organs of the body and its energy vibrations are sensed by people and all of nature. You feel it when a person is sincere. You know it deep in your heart. And so, on this 2019 Christmas day, please accept a present from my heart: the gift of remembering who you are.

The journey into remembering starts with a question: Who am I?

To arrive at the answer, you have to embark on an exploration of your being, guided by the workings of the principle of vibration presented in the book Love This Beautiful Musical Mathematical Universe which we (St. Louis group) have been discussing. You know that everything in the universe vibrates—from the tiniest particle, to your body, to the food at your Christmas table, to the stars up above, and to the whole universe, seen and unseen. Everything vibrates. You, as a person, are a unique eddy of vibrations in the infinite sea of creative energy. In scientific terms, you are an exquisitely defined vortex of resonant frequencies in the electromagnetic matrix, the zero-point field. Your individual electromagnetic vortex, your spirit, is made of and one with the frequency of pure Light and Love, the fundamental creative energy that underlies this field, the First Mover that believers call God.

Your spirit is made in the image of God. You are wholly and completely in tune with the singular frequency of source energy. You, therefore, have everything that there is in the vibrational waves of infinite potentialities of the zero-point field. You have all the attributes of the sole source: all-encompassing infinite love, joy, happiness, unity, peace, compassion, generosity, understanding, clarity, awareness, wisdom, friendship, courage, fidelity, loyalty, capabilities, talents, resources, health, and wealth: everything. You are complete.

And then, you are born into this world. You assume a material body as perceived by the human conscious mind. At this point of entrance to earthly existence, your unique electromagnetic field gets entangled with the frequencies of the material world. Starting at conception, you lose your purity of frequency as a spirit, adopting the blueprint outlined by your own vibrations that are now resonantly intertwined—continually and forever—with those from objects outside of you: first with the genetic makeup of your parents and then with matter and experiences you endlessly encounter from the womb on to your growing and learning years and throughout the rest of your life.

Soon, you are dictated by this resonant vibrational blueprint to conform to the norms of the human tribe and start doing what is expected of you by your family and the human society. Perhaps, little by little, you forget who you truly are. Sometimes you are lost. You sing a tune that is no longer true to your original melody. Occasionally, you are completely out of tune, dissonant, disharmonious, resistant, even combative. But, Spirit is always watching. The singular pure frequency of Love is still the one and only central theme of your song that remains strong no matter how out of tune you become. And your spirit, in tune with pure Love, tugs at your heart to pull you back into harmony—to remember the original pure and perfect emanation from God that is you.

It may be a gentle nudge if you have been staying connected to your authentic self by habits of introspection, prayer, or meditation. Or the nudge may become the shove of a catastrophic event or of hitting bottom to violently shake you up to pay attention and remember who you are. Think deeply of the meaning of this nursery song:

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily; life is but a dream.

Life is a temporary experience of your eternal individual spirit. You could row your boat through life staying in the calm middle or you could row erratically, bouncing hard from one bank to the next, even to the opposite side of the river or against a log that is caught at the river’s bend. I surmise that you would prefer to stay close to the center of the stream and strive to sing in melodious harmony with your true song. Even if you happen to be very creative and stray away for an exhilarating adventure, you would like to know when to come back to the melody, much in the manner of daring improvisations by jazz musicians.

So, seek to remember. Boldly ask the question: Who am I? And then, seriously get reacquainted with your truth, your music, your energy resonance, the original frequency of the God of Love. Once you realize and accept who you really are from the vibrations that make up your vortex of energy appearing in you as attributes that are of the divine sole source and from your earthly composite vibrational frequencies as made evident in such things as talents, inclinations, material endowments, drive, and all that you are in life, then you are able to freely let them shine through your being. You become the instrument that brings to reality, from the field of possibilities, everything you desire for yourself and others; the source of services to earth’s creatures that utilize your talent; the contributor to society from the fruit of your inclinations; the crystal prism through which the pure frequency of Love shines through to lend beauty, grace, and peace to the universe.

Finally, you have clarity on who you are. Accept your true self. Accept that you are an earthly vessel through which everything flows. You have boundless joy. Your cup runneth over. And you radiate God’s unconditional love, unity, and peace that passes all understanding—the true gifts of Christmas.

Merry Christmas! May you also give others a heartfelt gift of remembering the original frequency of the God of Love.


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Discussion Group

Lovelight from the Heart


Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 12:30 p.m.


Walnut Grill
Sunset Hills Plaza
Watson & Lindbergh
St. Louis, MO 63126                                        

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About Dr. Capapas

Lena Rabi Capapas, M.D., is a physician who practiced internal medicine and cardiology. She spent four years in academic medicine and then moved into the private sector for the remainder of her career. The last ten years of Capapas’s practice saw her embrace a combination of integrative and conventional medicine to restore patients’ bodies to health, sometimes with and sometimes without pharmaceuticals or surgery.

At age sixty-eight, Capapas chose to shift her focus and heed the call of the world of vibrations. After years of immersing herself in books and journals, she finally started to write her first book, Love This Beautiful Musical Mathematical Universe, which, ever-so-strangely, quelled an inner anxiety that she had always attributed to a burning desire to finish a project of preserving the beauty and serenity of her hometown’s beach in the Philippines.

She and her husband reside in the United States and take frequent trips abroad, but what she cherishes the most is time spent with two married children and two wonderful grandsons.

The Beautiful Universe

Aurora borealis
Credit: desktop-backgrounds-europe
Starry Starry Night
Credit: 4k-wallpaper
black hole